using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Web; using System.Web.UI; using System.Web.UI.WebControls; namespace AwsCloudWatch { public partial class CloudWatchView : System.Web.UI.Page { protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { } protected void Button20_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { String MetricName6 = "CPUUtilization"; // String MetricName9 = "NetworkIn"; // String MetricName10 = "DiskReadBytes"; // String MetricName11 = "NetworkPacketsOut"; // String MetricName12 = "StatusCheckFailed_Instance"; double Period6 = 1; double StartTime6 = 30; String Statistics6 = "Minimum"; String Statistics7 = "Maximum"; String Statistics8 = "Average"; String[] lines = { "i-00ad0c2bb6c2b1296", "i-099adc72920d1600e" }; int a = lines.Length; // Total number of rows. int rowCnt; // Current row count. int rowCtr; // Total number of cells per row (columns). // int cellCtr; // Current cell counter // int cellCnt; rowCnt = a; // cellCnt = 8; for (rowCtr = 1; rowCtr <= rowCnt; rowCtr++) { // Create new row and add it to the table. TableRow tRow = new TableRow(); Table2.Rows.Add(tRow); // for (cellCtr = 1; cellCtr <= cellCnt; cellCtr++) // { //CPU Min var retVal = new CloudWatchClass().GetMethicsDataPercent(lines[rowCtr - 1], MetricName6, Period6, StartTime6, Statistics6); //CPU Max var retVal2 = new CloudWatchClass().GetMethicsDataPercent(lines[rowCtr - 1], MetricName6, Period6, StartTime6, Statistics7); //CPU Average var retVal3 = new CloudWatchClass().GetMethicsDataPercent(lines[rowCtr - 1], MetricName6, Period6, StartTime6, Statistics8); String IdNum = lines[rowCtr - 1]; String retVal21 = retVal.ToString(); String retVal22 = retVal2.ToString(); String retVal23 = retVal3.ToString(); // Create a new cell and add it to the row. TableCell tCell0 = new TableCell(); tCell0.Text = IdNum; tRow.Cells.Add(tCell0); // Create a new cell and add it to the row. TableCell tCell = new TableCell(); tCell.Text = retVal21; tRow.Cells.Add(tCell); // Create a new cell and add it to the row. TableCell tCell2 = new TableCell(); tCell2.Text = retVal22; tRow.Cells.Add(tCell2); // Create a new cell and add it to the row. TableCell tCell3 = new TableCell(); tCell3.Text = retVal23; tRow.Cells.Add(tCell3); } } } }